Arc great building forge of empires
Arc great building forge of empires

arc great building forge of empires

I think this is because a lot of players out there want to get the maximum amount of donations on their GB as possible, and players make deals to ensure this. In general sniping is looked down upon as if it’s some kind of trick. As the GBs get to higher levels you’ll see not only the #1 donator receives a reward, but all the top 5 donators will get a reward of fps, medals, and Blueprints. In the case where two players donate the exact same amount, the person who donated earliest will win the tiebreaker, and be ranked higher on the list of contributors. Now not everyone gets this reward of 5fp back for donating. (You must also have unlocked, Archeology, one of the first three technologies of the Iron Age) Mark can have several benefactors as long as they meet the criteria of being a Friend, a Guild Mate, or are in his neighborhood.

arc great building forge of empires

So in fact Jack's 5fp donation cost him nothing at all, because it's fully refunded when the building levels. For Jack's donation he will receive a reward of 5fp given back to him from the game. Well the gift of giving comes with a gift itself. Nice right? But why would Jack want to give Mark 5 of his hard earned fp. For instance if it costs 40fp to level Mark’s Oracle of Delphi from level 0 to 1, and Jack donates 5 fp to Marks OoD, Mark will only have to pay the difference of 35fp himself to raise the OoD to the next level. When this is done the owner of the GB need not spend as much fp to promote (flip) their GB to the next level. Have you been Sniped, by an Sniper or maybe you yourself have gone Sniping? Have you heard the term Snipe and are wondering what the heck people are talking about? Well my friend you have come to the right place.įorge of Empires has a function where you can assist a fellow player if they are a Friend, Guild Mate, or in your neighborhood, by donating Forge Points (fp) to that player's Great Building (GB). Or it may also be defined as forcibly overtaking another contributor by donating more than that player, but only enough forge points to prevent that player from taking the spot back. Sniping is the act of forcibly occupying a contribution spot on another player's GB by donating forge points in an amount considered less than the spot is valued. The abc’s of Sniping - Memoirs of a Sniper by CountDuMoney 1 The abc’s of Sniping - Memoirs of a Sniper by CountDuMoney.

Arc great building forge of empires